DPF / EGR / AD-BLUE / O2 Deletes

DPF /EGR / AD-BLUE /O2 Deletes

On the understanding that we are supplying these services for off road or motorsport use, FlashRemapping has the ability to disable DPF / EGR / AD-BLUE / O2 and other codes from your vehicles ECU. Thus allowing the vehicle to continue running without limp mode and without engine management lights on. We only delete the necessary fault codes so other engine faults will stilll be visible to allow diagnostics to be carried out to find potential faults in the future. Please note DPF deletes will require the physical filter to be removed. We do not offer this service and the filter will have to be removed before we can install the new software.

FlashRemapping or its staff will take no responsability for these software updates shoud you choose to continue to use the vehicle on a public highway or a future MOT failure for “tampered with emmission system”


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