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VW Transporter T5 2.0 84Bhp
V-Box fitted 04/06/2012
Gain 30BHp 60Nm
Initially I thought this was a 1.9 tdi but on finding it was a 2.0 with edc17 ecu and tuning protection we decided to fit a v-box rather than tune by taking the ecu out – nice feeling of extra oopfh with the box fitted will help John get around a bit quicker and more economically
VW Touareg 4.2 V8 305Bhp
ECU Remapped 04/06/2012
Gain 25 BHp 45Nm
Big powerful beasts these v8 Touaregs and given the remap become a lot sharper and more pleasant to drive – the sound they make is lovely there is nothing quite like a v8 burble
Ford Transit 2.4 TDDi 90Bhp
ECU Remapped 04/06/2012
Gain 20BHp 40Nm#
with a large milage already covered this Transit was never going to give big gains as the turbo on the TDDi engines is mechanical rather than electronic – but its certainly an improvement
BMW 330D E46 184Bhp
ECU Remapped 04/06/2012
Gain 42BHp 90Nm
the 3 litre diesel BMWs are a legend really, probably the first car that brought great performance with great economy all brought together with german build quality – they also cover monster milages without many problems
BMW 330D Manual 184Bhp
ECU Remapped 05/06/2012
Gain 42BHp 90Nm
this BMW was a 2000 model but with the same software as the 330d yesterday ( that was a 2002)
again great results much swifter and smoother and this one being a touring can carry a whole lot more family stuff
Peugeot 206 GTI 2.0 135Bhp
ECU Remapped 05/06/2012
Gain 12Bhp 18Nm
We like the sporty feel of these Pugs with a 2.0 litre engine in a small car its always going to be nippy but now with aproximately 10% extra bhp and torque its really lively
BMW 320D E90 163Bhp Auto
ECU Remapped 06/06/2012
Blend Remap +37Bhp 75Nm
a nice blend remap on these BMWs will take it to 200Bhp which will make it a fair bit quicker and also better on fuel which at todays prices is also very important
Audi A4 2.5TDi Quatro 180Bhp
ECU Remapped 06/06/2012
Gain 40BHp 80Nm
We custom tune every car to the owners requirements and in this case the customer wanted the extra power but wanted to make sure economy remained high as well so we have just edged off teh top of a performance remap – gains on these vehicles can be anything from 28 to 45BHp and 55 to 90Nm of torque depending your requirements
ECU Remapped 08/06/2012
Gain 42Bhp 90Nm
Having changed from a 2.5 Subaru Imprezza with 300BHp this customer was left a bit underwhelmed with the BMs performance but we soon sorted that out – with wet roads the test drive was full of wheelspin – but as the customer said “Its like have a second new car in a week” much more lively and smoother with improved response – well we do aim to please
ECU Remapped 08/06/2012
Gian 37BHp 75Nm
This customer had been told that the ecu would need removing to be remapped and this was possible as it was an April 2009 vehicle but we were confident it would be remappable via the OBD port- We read the ecu data and within 30 minutes Simon had decreed that there was no anti tune protection on the ecu and we sucessfully remapped it without the need to remove the ecu – If there was anti tune its no problem either just a bit more long winded – fortunately with our vast array of setting files we can almost always tell from the read if there is anti-tune software in place

ECU Remapped 11/06/2012
Gain 25BHp 45Nm
Pretty quick little cars these and lots more prctical than its cute 500 brother – nice gains mapped makes them really fiesty

ECU Remapped 18/06/2012
Gain 35bhp 70Nm
Simon bought this TD5 so he could tow a horsebox for his daughter’s horse to and from events but 138bhp stock and a ton of horse plus trailer meant it was working overtime – regular readers will know we will always go for a higher powered remap when towing is required – Simon commented it felt like a different vehicle after the remap – as well as extra power decent fuel savings should also be seen here

ECU Remapped 18/06/2012
Gain 14BHp 24Nm
BMWs coupes look fast even standing still – this one had a sprint boost box fitted which makes the throttle more lively but adds no Bhp – After a very slow read we remapped the ecu to give it extra power but also a much smoother delivery which was noticed by Mike – One tip though flip flops are not the best shoes for a test drive

ECU Remapped 19/06/2012
Gain 30BHp 55Nm Peak
Paul loves his Scooby and I can’t blame him the 2.5 STi is a powerful beast and yet still a 4 door saloon when required, but he was looking for extra power extra economy and a smoother drive – must be impossible right ? – wrong we can do that widening the power band increases the ability to cruise in longer gears, naturally we would smooth the power delivery and increase the boost and if he can control his right foot will also see a small increase in mph

ECU Remapped 22/06/2012
Gain 32BHp 65Nm
If you want a quick diesel this is a good one to go for and with our remap now boasts just over 200Bhp, pretty much the same as the 2.0 tfsi gti but with a whole bunch more torque and many more mpg

ECU Remapped 23/06/2012
Gain 42BHp 90Nm
Fast, Luxurious and frugal the 330d BMW is a great vehicle for almost all occasions and when remapped adds to the performance and the economy – The cherry on the cake

ECU Remapped 23/06/2012
Gain 24BHp 32Nm
Quite a rare beast the 3.2litre a3 but they do make a lovely sound – gains of 10% from a normally aspirated engine are very good – better throttle response and mid range torque make this a very worthwhile remap

ECU Remapped 25/06/2012
Blue Optimize Gain 28BHp 55Nm
I love these CLS mercedes and can still remember the first one I saw in Puerto banus harbour – they simply look stunning and even better are now available from about 10 grand ( wheres my piggy bank ) This customer also likes the 4 door practicality and coupe lines but wanted a bit more mpg and if that comes with better performance all the better – well not only that we have reduced the emmisions on this as well – best of all three worlds

ECU Remapped 28/06/2012
Gain 38BHp 75Nm
when you are a plumber you carry a lot of tools that seem to weigh an astonomical amount – 84BHp is not going to do the job for you – 122BHp however will do very nicly – its not the same van was the comment from this customer – we aim to please and it wouldnt supprise me to see 15-20% fuel savings too as he wont be flogging it all the time now

ECU Remapped 28/06/2012
Gain 10BHp 15Nm
Mark had been left dissapointed with his focus , It just felt flat and was contemplating chopping it in for something a bit more spritely and incurring all the costs that go with that – 10Bhp isnt earth shattering but the extra mid range torque and throttle response make a big difference and he may well end up keeping the car a while longer now

ECU Remapped 29/06/2012
Gain 38BHp 75Nm
Another plumber with lots of heavy kit wanted more power, well we are here to help – 90 minutes later and a 153bhp Renault van – excellent – now he cannot have any excuses for being late to a job

V-BOX FITTED 29/06/2012
This Vivaro was only a few weeks old and we could not get communication with the ecu via the obd port
could be one of two things – the k-line or can line is not present or the vehicle is fitted with a newer edc17 ecu that has not been cracked yet and may well have anti-tune anyway – to view the ecu we would have had to cut away the securing frame to confirm for definate and this was not suitable for the owner – option 2 was taken – fit a v-box common rail diesel tuning box – good gains and adjustable flexibility

ECU Remapped 29/06/2012
Gain 42Bhp 90Nm
Lee wanted more power and better economy – we removed a tuning box of unknown quality to bothe myself and Lee as it was already fitted to the car when he bought it and gave it our finest performance tune remap –

ECU Remapped 30/06/2012
Gain 30BHp 55NM Peak – 45BHp 80Nm mid range
A lovely car for the weekend the Impreza and very tunable – as always we go for a wider power band giving better driving on a day to day basis with extra 300 milibar of boost makes them really rock and roll

ECU Remapped 30/06/2012
Gain 37BHp 75Nm
a strong blend remap here just to make sure the fuel efficiency is improved as well as the extra power
Imediately noticable as better throttle response and smoother power delivery – as well as fewer visits to the petrol station